University Boulevard Realignment

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The project realigns University Blvd between the old convocation center parking lot and Forest Hill Road at the Oak Hill Drive intersection. The project replaces the existing University Blvd with a new 2-lane roadway with a shared-use path and sidewalk. The project will transition University Blvd into a safer and more efficient multi-modal corridor for travel to and from JMU and destinations in the Southeast part of Harrisonburg. It is currently a 2-lane rural typical section that has been adapted in various ways over the years as traffic volumes have grown. The project will reestablish University Blvd as an urban collector, in keeping with its current role, traffic volumes, and continuous trend of adjacent urbanization. The realignment will allow University Blvd to become the through movement at Oak Hill Drive, transferring the stop control to the side street, which will improve safety and operations for University Blvd, as well as Port Republic Road. The shared-use path will be constructed along Forest Hill Road and University Blvd between Port Republic Road and Carrier Drive, creating a continuous bicycle and pedestrian connection between the existing infrastructure on Port Republic Rd, Driver Drive, and Carrier Dr. Project funded through the VDOT Revenue Sharing Program.

University Blvd Realignment Project Plan

University Blvd realignment

University Blvd realignment - proposed sections

(Right click images to open in a new tab for a larger version.)


Project Schedule:

Preliminary Engineering – 2021-22

Right-of-way acquisition and utility relocation – 2022-24

Construction – 2025

Open House & Design Public Hearing:

The open house-style public hearing was held on Wednesday, September 7th from 4:00pm - 6:30pm at the City Hall Council Chambers.