Repairing & Repainting the Washington Street Storage Tank RE-BID ITB

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ITB/RFP Number: 2022023-PU-B 
ITB/RFP Title: Repairing & Repainting the Washington Street Storage Tank RE-BID ITB 
Contact: Mr. Shane B. Smith, Procurement Manager



The work generally consists of the repairing and repainting the interior and exterior of one 2,500,000 gallon steel ground storage tank “Washington Street Tank” which includes the complete cleaning and repainting of the tank on the interior surfaces, and the complete cleaning and repainting of the exterior surfaces with containment. Additional Work items include: repair of concrete; replacement of the cathodic protection system, sealant between the bottom plate and grout, shell manhole davits, roof manhole bolts and nuts, and cathodic protection system rectifier; installation of elastomeric check valve for overflow pipe; including other miscellaneous repair and incidental items. Work must be completed by October 15, 2022.  
Publication Date:
March 17, 2022 
Closing Date/Time:
March 31, 2022 
Pre-Bid/Pre-Proposal Meeting Date/Time:
All questions must be received no later than March 24, 2022 on or before 12:00pm (noon) local time 
Submittal Information:

Purchasing Office, 409 South Main Street, Third Floor, Harrisonburg, VA 22801

*Any bids/proposals received after the closing date and time will not be accepted.

Bid/Proposal Opening Information:
Purchasing Office, 409 South Main Street, Third Floor, Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Special Requirements & Highlights:
See ITB 
ITB/RFP Documents & Attachments:
PDF[6MB] Repairing & Repainting the Washington Street Storage Tank RE-BID ITB
None at this time.
PDF[80KB] Notice of Award (04-05-22)