Park Road Pedestrian Improvements

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Current Size: 80%

This project includes the enhancement of Park Road with aesthetic and safety features through the Eastern Mennonite University campus to create a safer and more attractive environment for pedestrians in this high pedestrian volume area.  Specific improvements include the widening of two decorative stamped asphalt crosswalks, upgrading of two additional crosswalks to decorative style, the addition of one new decorative crosswalk, all with ADA compliant curb ramps, and all crosswalk sign posts to include retroreflective panels.  Also included is the Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon with passive actuation at the highest volume crosswalk.  Specific locations of improvements are shown in the diagram below.

Park Road Improvements

Project Schedule:

Preliminary Engineering - 2019

Construction - 2020


This Project implements traffic-calming, safety, and streetscape strategies to alert driver to University travel patterns upon entering campus.  Public Works and the University partnered on initial steps to improve pedestrian safety by installing flashing beacons on school zone signs, and digital speed feedback signs on speed limit signs, at the perimeter of campus.  This project will increase the impact of these initial measures with aesthetic treatments and safety features.  Pedestrian improvements are identified for Park Road in the City's 2017 Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan.  This project received funding through the VDOT Transportation Alternatives Program.