Notify Harrisonburg

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Notify Harrisonburg

The City of Harrisonburg offers "Notify Harrisonburg", a service for email notifications and alerts to stay up to date on city services, meetings, and events.

Sign up here for city notifications and alerts, and stay up to date on city services, meetings, and events. 

Simply provide your name and email address, and select which type of notifications you want to receive.

You can unsubscribe at anytime by following the directions at the bottom of the emails you receive.


Types of Notifications:

Trash Collection Notifications:

Receive email alert notifications during city holidays or inclement weather when it affects city trash and recycling collection.


Bicycle and Pedestrian Notifications:

Receive agendas for future Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee meetings and find out when meeting summaries are posted online, announcements about transportation projects, and receive information about upcoming biking and walking events sponsored by the City and its partners.


Stormwater and Environmental Notifications:

Receive notifications about volunteer opportunities (i.e. stream clean up and plantings), workshops, public meetings, and other related stormwater and environmental events sponsored by the City.  Learn more about the City's Stormwater Management Program.