About the HarrisonburgVA.gov Website

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The city website is a result of a collaborative effort of all city departments and is also the result of input from the website users - including both citizens and city employees! The previous version of the website went through a lot of evaluation and discussion on every aspect of the city website: navigation, content, features, design, usability, accessibility, social media, and more.

As a result of input from citizens and employees, a new navigation was developed with five main sections: “City Services”, “Residents”, “Business”, “Things To Do”, and “How Do I?”. Then another general information section “At-A-Glance” can always be found in the footer of the site.

The city website uses a free, open source content management system, Drupal, which powers most of this website.

There are also plenty of features for our website users, and we hope you take of advantage of each of these. Some of the features are listed below.

We hope you enjoy the City of Harrisonburg website. Please feel free to leave us your feedback using the Website Feedback Survey.


New Features


On each page you will find tools to share content from HarrisonburgVA.gov to your favorite social networks. You can also email or print the page using the share tools.


Subscribe! RSS

At the bottom of each page is an RSS icon which links you to a list of the RSS feeds on HarrisonburgVA.gov. RSS feeds allow you to subscribe to updates on HarrisonburgVA.gov. You will need a RSS reader application or online service to browse, open, and subscribe to RSS feeds. There are many free readers available in order to subscribe to our feeds; examples are Bloglines, Google Reader, Mozilla Firefox, and NewsGator.


Text sizeCan You Read Me Now?

We've added a font size tool to make the content area font larger or smaller, whether the font is too big or too small, it's whichever you prefer to be easiest to read.


TranslateGoogle Translate 

Just above the footer on every page, you will find the Google Translate feature. To translate this site, please select a language using the Google Translate language selection tool. Once a language is selected you can continue browsing our site using in the selected language, switch to another language, or switch back to the original language (English).


City Events Calendar Calendar

Import city events to your own calendar using the calendar icon located at the bottom of the calendar. First, select the filter of which events you want to import, or leave the filter set to any, then scroll to the bottom of the calendar and select the icon.  This will ask you if you want to download an .ics file, save the file, and locate the file on your computer. Open the calendar program on your computer or on your browser (Google Calendar, Yahoo Calendar, etc.), and find the settings of this program to import the .ics file. Once imported, you will have the full list of city events on your own personal calendar, though you may want to update the import monthly for the latest events.


Finding Content, Easy as A-B-C.

You can find information multiple ways on the new HarrisonburgVA.gov, but just in case, we now have an A-Z Index on our site. All of our page titles are listed here alphabetically!