Early Voting and Vote by Mail (Absentee Voting)

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Absentee voting provides a means for voters to participate in upcoming elections before Election Day.  In person Absentee Voting (Early Voting) begins at least 45 days before most elections and ends the Saturday before the Election Day.

Learn how absentee voting works.

In Person Absentee Voting (Early Voting) for the November 5th General Elections Starts: Friday, September 20th, 2024
In Person Absentee Voting (Early Voting) Dates:  September 20th – November 2nd, Monday through Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm and on Saturday, October 26th and November 2nd from 9:00am until 5:00pm (Early Voting is closed on Monday, October 14th) 

In Person Absentee Voting (Early Voting)
You do not need an excuse to vote in person absentee (early voting), and you do not need to fill out an Absentee application. You may vote early in City Hall (409 South Main St.) beginning 45 days before Election Day and ending the Saturday before Election Day. To vote absentee in person you must be a registered voter of Harrisonburg, provide your name and address, and show an acceptable form of ID. Early voting is open Monday through Friday, 8:30am until 4:30pm, and the last two Saturdays from 9:00am until 5:00pm. 

*Curbside voting is also available in the main parking lot of City Hall. When you arrive call the Registrar's office at 540-432-7707 to let us know that you need curbside service.

Acceptable forms of ID

Accessible voting equipment and/or curbside voting is available upon request.

Visit the Virginia Department of Elections for more information on in Person Absentee Voting (Early Voting).

Vote Absentee by Mail (Vote By Mail)

You may request a Vote By Mail application at the registrar's office or online at the Virginia Department of Elections website. The deadline to request a vote by mail ballot is eleven days before a Primary or General Election.  As a general rule, Absentee Ballots do not start being mailed out until 48 days before Election Day.  Ballots may be returned as soon as they are completed.  Make sure to follow the included instructions carefully.

Returning Your Completed Absentee (Vote By Mail) Ballot 

You can drop your voted ballot in the mail, or return it directly to the Registrar's Office in person.  You can only return your own ballot in person, please do not deliver anyone else’s ballot to the office. Do NOT put your voted ballot in the Treasurer's Drop Box, or leave it in any other city department office.

Bring your mail in ballot to the polls on Election Day

  • There will be drop boxes at each voting precinct on Election Day. Harrisonburg voters can drop off any Absentee Ballots at any Harrisonburg voting precinct on Election Day.
  • If you have requested an Absentee Ballot, but you would prefer to vote in person, please bring your ballot with you on Election Day.  If you do not have your ballot with you, or did not receive your ballot, you will have to vote provisionally.


To obtain an Absentee Ballot Application:

  • Call your local Registrar's office at 540-432-7707
  • Stop by your local Registrar's office at 409 South Main Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801
  • Online: Virginia Department of Elections


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