The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program is authorized under Title 1 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1975, as amended. The primary objective is the development of viable urban communities, achieved by providing decent housing, a suitable living environment, and expanded economic opportunities, principally for Low - and Moderate - Income (LMI) persons.
In 2004, the City of Harrisonburg became a CDBG Entitlement Community; the City will receive annual CDBG funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This designation is a result of Harrisonburg's growing population and its designation as a metropolitan area.
It is the City's intention to solicit applications for CDBG funding each year from local government agencies, non-profits, and for-profit businesses for projects meeting HUD/CDBG objectives and filling gaps in local services and meeting local priority needs, as outlined in the Consolidated Plan.
Copies of the Consolidated Plan are available by contacting the City Manager's Office and they are also available at the Massanutten Regional Library.
[960KB] Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) PY 2023 DRAFT
[3MB] 2024 Action Plan
[5.3MB] 2022-2026 Consolidated Plan
[20.5MB] 2022-2026 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing
CDBG Relevant Documents:
[9MB] 2023-2024 Contract Attachments Incorporated by Reference
[152KB] CDBG Quarterly Progress Report
[270KB] Application for Assistance
[143KB] Financial Status Report and Request for Reimbursement
[1.2MB] Low Income Households (LMI) Areas Map
[51KB] City Anti-Displacement and Relocation Plan
[467KB] CDBG Amended Citizen Participation Plan
Interpreters and/or documentation translation services are available upon request.
Please contact the City Manager’s Office at 540-432-7701 or email For full page translation, use the Google translate at the bottom of the page.
Los intérpretes y / o servicios de traducción de documentación están disponibles bajo petición. Comuníquese con la Oficina del Administrador Municipal al 540-432-7701 o envíe un correo electrónico a Para la traducción de página completa, use la traducción de Google en la parte inferior de la página.
Услуги переводчика и / или перевод документации предоставляются по запросу. Обращайтесь в офис городского руководителя по телефону 540-432-7701 или напишите письмо Для полного перевода страницы используйте Google translate внизу страницы.
المترجمونو / أوخدماتترجمةالوثائقمتاحةعندالطلب. يرجىالاتصالبمكتب City Manager علىالرقم 540-432-7701 أوعبرالبريدالإلكتروني لترجمة الصفحة بالكامل ، استخدم ترجمة Google في أسفل الصفحة.